
Hey, I'm Ishan!

I'm a Computer Science undergraduate at IIIT Bangalore, India. I am passionate about building software. My interests are in Distributed Systems, Scalable Architectures and Applied Data Science . You can find my projects, articles on this website. Headover to my about page to know more about skills and interests. Feel free to get in touch with me through email or any social media.

Featured Projects



Hola is a solution to find best tourist guides at reasonable prices. It provides a larger customer base for Guides and hassle free booking of guides by tourists. Hola has been selected into the project track of Cisco Thingqbator Programme conducted by Cisco, and is currently in the rapid prototyping phase. I am building a scalable backend for the App, using Serverless Framework following a Microservice Architecture, with features such as user locations routing and payment features, etc.

Latest Blogs

Choice of programming languages for Big Data Systems

August 18, 2022

Tried to make an indepth study of the specific needs of big data systems. An analysis of how programming language features have implications on these requirements.